Thursday, December 6, 2012

-Ables 19: Woofables

You know we had to have one for the pets creeping about betwixt our feet. Apparently dogs, in particular. And don't shutter to notice that it is also quite gourmet. Not just any ball-lickin', leg-humpin', turd chewin', cat-puke slurpin' puppy would appreciate the finer points of this delicacy.. whatever it is.
So many of our -ables have been gourmet. It must be a case of tandem trait propagation. And, what other than being able to woof something would our canine companions request of us, and of retail? How does one woof something? Ask a dog. It sounds to me like a variation on certain forms of inhaled chemical abuse. I'm hoping I'm wrong, dogs' noses being so sensitive and all, but there is a possible clever secondary interpretation of the term bakery. 
One thing's for sure, it is demonstrably evident that this item is made by dogs, for dogs. Seeing the customary chef's chapeau perched above the mascot's tilted visage must indicate that fact. However, said mascot's eyes appear to indicate that aforementioned secondary meaning for bakery. 

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