Wednesday, December 5, 2012

-Ables 14: Snackables

I'm glad they clarify that it is "APPROX." 50 cubes. Exactly 50 would have me picturing some individual placing each numbered cube into the bag with his/her fingers, transforming the cheese with that dusty warm surface it gets when someone's been pawing it for awhile at a church picnic, wake, or nude fundraiser.

I'm also quite relieved they chose to assure us that the cheese was actually NATURAL, and not monstrous or freakish. However, given the little mascot character to the left, I'm not so sure it isn't.

Remember, kids, the package says that this product is snackable, so don't be binding yourself up internally by downing the full contents in one go, under the mistaken notion of it being mealable. You've been warned.

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