Wednesday, December 5, 2012

-Ables 16: Steamables

What do we have here? Whatever it is, it's most certainly Deluxe. The pedestrian model either must not be Asian, or perhaps contain only run-of-the-mill peas. I'm not settling for that. My vegetables have to be pictSweet.. all the way. So.. does that mean they are as sweet as the long lost Picts, only the ghosts of whom may yet wander the British Isles? How can they substantiate this claim? Is there archeological or anthropological evidence that the Picts could be described thusly? Were they actually of a sugary nature, or could they have been simply pleasant folk? It's all academic at this point, I suppose.

However, do take note that an apostrophe has been employed here. Always a sign that something, something, has been omitted. It could have been anything from Steam Locomotive-ables, to Steaming Pile of Shit-ables. Beware the apostrophe. 

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