Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Prejidenture Candledates

I am NOT drunk.... really, I'm not, but if I were, here are some sips of the lung.. tips of the slung.. clips of the .. lames of the predisential candelates.... names...

Hillary Clinton
Clittary Hilton
Hickory Lincoln
Clinical Tickory
Knickery Killton
Litany Nixon
Hilltop Cannery

Mit Romney
Ron Chutney
Rip Chimney
Rim Omni
Knit Pickney

Mike Huckabee
Hike Peekaboo
Nick Knuckleknob
Beep Bugaboo
Hillabee Buckaroo
Bikini Kabob

Barack Obama
Binaca Llama
Burt Bacharach

sorry to have wasted your time...

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